It’s a cold must

Sepideh Jodeyri

The hand was sitting beside me  in a different shape

It counted your words

I bet

And I got cold with all weathers of the world.

Your smell has gone beyond time

Beyond my voice

Beyond playing the beauty.

How snowy it was outside this weather!

How soundless!

How often stroked the air your smells!

Beside me

A hand     in a different shape.
It is not a rebellion

The heart of rebellion

Should laugh       instead of being distressed

I truly

Fear the truth

which withdraws

which withdraws

which withdraws

I am afraid,        not distressed.
As far as my existence existed

I was zeal and lips

I was words about everything

And sometimes      a hand in a different shape.
It’s a cold must

Well, he has never understood that:

This setting     on your far horizon

Is a cold must.
The lip that passes over me

That passed over me

Lasted a night and then days, so many

And my heart is

A lip for you

For days and a night!
I truly fear the truth

The hand fears the truth     in a different way

For the truth is

For the truth was

For the truth will be there.

