On September 21, 2014 LigoranoReese installed a 3,500 pound ice sculpture of the words The Future at Fifth Avenue and 23 Street in New York during the People’s Climate March. This video compresses the 13 hour event into 4 minutes.
“A century’s carelessness is now melting away the world’s storehouses of ice, a melting whose momentum may be nearing the irreversible. It’s as if we were stripping the spectrum of a color or eradicating one note from every octave.” Bill McKibben, January 2006
Sculpture Design – Nora Ligorano; Editor – Marshall Reese; Music – Ernst Reijseger; Color Correction – Eli Friedman; Ice Sculpture – Okamoto Studio
For more information:
Music: http://ernstreijseger.com
Climate Action Partners: 350.org, Human Impacts Institute